RRB Ticket Collector (TC) Syllabus & Exam pattern- Download PDF
RRB TC Ticket Collector syllabus is Uploaded.Download RRB TC exam Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Model Question Papers are available now. Candidates who are applied for RRB Ticket Collector Jobs have started their Exam preparation for the Written Test which is going to organize by the Railway Recruitment Board RRB. All those applicants can check the RRB Ticket Collector question Papers and download. Here, we are providing the RRB Ticket Collector (TC) Previous papers along with solutions. Here we also provided RRB TC syllabus 2018. So before going to begin the preparation, once check the Provided RRB Ticket Collector Syllabus 2018.
RRB TC Exam Pattern 2018
The Railway Recruitment Board will conduct an online examination for the ticket collector, also called Computer Based Test. This examination will also have negative marking. A total of 120 questions will be asked in this examination and 90 minutes will be given.
RRB Ticket Collector Exam Pattern
Sr. No. | Name of the Subjects | Total No. of questions | Total No. of marks |
1. | General Awareness | 25 | 25 |
2. | General Intelligence | 5 | 5 |
3. | Arithmetic | 20 | 20 |
4. | General Science | 30 | 30 |
5. | Reasoning | 10 | 10 |
6. | Technical Subject | 30 | 30 |
Total | 120 questions | 120 Marks |
RRB Ticket Collector Exam Syllabus 2018
RRB TC General Awareness Syllabus 2018
- International issues
- National news (current)
- Indian Culture
- Scientific observations
- History of India
- Economic issues in India
- Geography of India
- Political Science
- Famous Places in India
- New inventions
- National and international current affairs
- About India and it’s neighboring countries
- World organizations
- Science and innovations
- Countries and capitals
RRB TC General Intelligence Syllabus 2018
- Current Affairs
- Economics Scene
- Scientific Research
- General Policy Including Indian Constitution
- India and Its Neighboring Countries
RRB TC Arithmetic Syllabus 2018
- Number Systems
- Percentages
- Simple Interest
- Profit & Loss
- Discount
- Averages
- Time & Work
- Partnership
- Relationship between Numbers
- Time & Distance
- Menstruation
- Decimals & Fractions
- Computation of Whole Numbers
- Fundamental arithmetical operations
- Ratio & Proportion
- Use of Tables & Graphs
RRB TC General Science Syllabus 2018
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
RRB TC Reasoning Syllabus 2018
- Alphabet Series
- Number Series
- Number Ranking
- Non-Verbal Series
- Mirror Images
- Cubes and Dice
- Coding-Decoding
- Arithmetical Reasoning
- Clocks & Calendars
- Decision Making
- Blood Relations
- Embedded Figures
RRB TC Technical Subject Syllabus 2018
- Network Theory
- Power Systems
- Power Electronics & Drives
- AC Fundamentals
- Electrical Machines
- Basic Electronics
- Basic Electrical Engineering Concepts
- Utilization of Electrical Energy
- Estimation and costing
- Magnetic Circuit
- Analog and Digital Electronics
- Measurement as well as measuring instruments