Assam Agriculture Extension Assistant Syllabus & Exam Pattern PDF: The Agriculture Department Assam has released Assam Agriculture Extension Assistant Syllabus on its Official Web portal @ The Assam AEA Exam Pattern is uploaded on this page for the sake of the Candidates. The Candidates who had applied for Assam Agriculture Extension AssistantJobs and preparing for Agriculture Extension Assistant Exam 2023 should check this article for Assam Agriculture Extension AssistantSyllabus and test pattern PDF. Here we have uploaded the Subject Wise Syllabus and Detailed Exam Pattern to help the Aspirants in their Exam Preparation. So all the Applicants are advised to read this article completely and Download the Assam AEA Syllabus and Exam Pattern for the Below Section for free of cost.
Assam Agriculture Extension Assistant Syllabus 2023 Highlights
Organization | Agriculture Department Assam |
Post | Agriculture Extension Assistant, |
Category | Syllabus |
Selection Process | Written Test, Computer Proficiency Test, Shorthand Test |
Location | Assam |
Official Website | |
Assam Agriculture Extension Assistant Exam Pattern 2023
S. No | Name of Subjects | No. of Questions | Type of Exam | Duration |
i) | General Science | 30 | OMR Based Exam | 2 Hours |
ii) | General Maths | 30 | ||
iii) | General Knowledge | 40 | ||
Total Marks | 100 |
Download Subject Wise Assam Agriculture Extension Assistant Syllabus 2023 PDF
The Assam Agriculture Extension Assistant Syllabus is provided for the candidates preparing for Exam. Candidates who have applied for Assam Agriculture Extension Assistant Recruitment can use this syllabus to help you to give your best in the Agriculture Department Assam Exam. The Assam Agriculture Extension Assistant Syllabus topics are mentioned below.
General Science
- Introduction
- Plant Hormones
- Plant Diseases
- Mode of Nutrition in Plant.
- Classification of Organisms.
- Cytology
- Genetics
- Structure of Plant and Animal Cell.
- Classification of Plant Kingdom.
- Plant Morphology
- Plant tissue
- Photosynthesis
- Control and Coordination in Plant
- Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plant.
- Asexual Reproduction in Plants.
- The transport system in Plant.
- Respiration and Excretion in plants.
- The Cell: The foundation of all living things.
- Cell: Structure and Functions.
- Cell Division
- Control and Coordination in Human.
- Human Reproductive system.
- Excretory system in Humans.
- Respiratory system in Humans.
- Human Circulatory system.
- The Heart.
- Composition of Blood.
- Functions of Blood.
- Human Digestive system.
- Food and Nutrition.
- Human Diseases.
- Mode of Nutrition in Animals.
- Nutrition in Animal.
- Sexual Reproduction in Animals.
- Respiration in Animals.
- Miscellaneous.
- Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion
- Classification of Animal Kingdom.
- The five kingdoms of life.
- Heat & Thermodynamics
- Light
- Static Electricity
- Current Electricity.
- Magnetism
- Atomic and Nuclear Physics
- Scientific Instruments.
- Inventions
- Radioactivity.
- Units & Dimensions
- Motion
- Work, Energy, and Power
- Gravitation
- Pressure
- Floatation
- Surface Tension
- Viscosity
- Elasticity
- Simple Harmonic Motion
- Wave
- Sound Wave
- The kinetic theory of matter
- Magnetic effect of electric current
- The Human eye and Defects.
- Nuclear fission and fusion
- Electromagnetism
- The four fundamental forces
- Carbon and its Compound
- Fuels
- Metallurgy
- Metals and Non-metals
- Chemical Reactions
- Radioactivity
- Matter and its state
- Atomic Structure
- Chemical Bonding
- Periodic Classification of Element.
- Oxidation and Reduction
- Acids, Bases, and Salts
- Behavior of Gases
- Hydrocarbons
- List of important Drugs and Chemicals
- Fertilizers
- Concepts of pH scale.
- Electrolysis
- Electrochemistry
- Catalyst
General Maths
- Odd Man Out
- Numbers and Ages
- Indices and Surds
- Pipes and Cisterns
- Mensuration
- Areas
- Compound Interest
- Time and Distance
- Percentages
- Boats and Streams
- Permutations and Combinations
- Simplification and Approximation
- Averages
- Simple Interest
- Probability
- Time and Work Partnership
- Ratio and Proportion
- Volumes Profit and Loss
- Races and Games
- Problems on L.C.M and H.C.F
- Problems on Numbers
- Mixtures and Allegations
- Simple Equations
- Quadratic Equations
- Problems on Trains
General Knowledge
- Indian Geography
- Indian Economy
- Science & Technology
- Indian History
- Indian Polity
- IT & Space etc
- Current Events – National & International
- Indian Culture & Heritage
- Indian Constitution
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Assam Agriculture Extension Assistant Syllabus – Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)
What is Assam Agriculture Extension Assistant Syllabus 2023?
What is the Exam Pattern for Assam Agriculture Extension Assistant Exam 2023?
Where can I Get the Assam Agriculture Extension Assistant Syllabus PDF?
What is the Total Marks for Assam Agriculture Extension Assistant Exam?
How many Questions will be asked in the Assam Agriculture Extension Assistant Exam ?