BEL Assistant Engineer AE Syllabus 2017 is Uploaded. BEL Assistant Engineer ECE Mech Exam Syllabus, Exam pattern & Model Papers are available now. Candidates who are applied for BEL Assistant Engineer AE Jobs have started their Exam preparation for the Written Test which is going to organize by the Bharat Electronics Limited Bangalore. All those applicants can check the BEL Assistant Engineer syllabus and download. Here, we are providing the BEL AE Previous papers along with solutions. Here we also provided BEL Assistant Engineer syllabus 2017. So before going to begin the preparation, once check the Provided BEL Assistant Engineer AE Syllabus 2017.
BEL Assistant Engineer Syllabus | Exam Pattern
BEL Exam Syllabus for Assistant Engineer Electronics, Mechanical are available here. BEL Bangalore invites application forms from eligible candidates for BEL Assistant Engineer Recruitment 2017 to filling up a huge vacancies of AE jobs. All Eligible and Interested candidates can apply online through official website on before last date. So, the candidates who wist to apply may Check Syllabus for good practice.
BEL Assistant Engineer (AE) Syllabus
Bharat Electronics Limited General Knowledge Syllabus
- History of India.
- Geography of India.
- Economic issues in India.
- National news (current).
- International issues.
- Scientific observations.
- Indian Culture.
- New inventions.
- Political Science.
- About India and it’s neighboring countries.
- National and international current affairs.
- Countries and capitals.
BEL Contract Engineer Electronics & Communication Syllabus
- Basic Electronics/ Power Electronics.
- Digital Communications.
- Analog Electronics.
- Analog Communications.
- Measurement & Instrumentation.
- Circuit Theory/ Digital Electronics.
- Power Electronics & Drives.
- Microprocessors & Microcontrollers.
- Advanced Communications.
- Industrial Electronics.
- Computer Hardware etc.
Bharat Electronics Limited Contract Engineer Mechanical BEL Syllabus 2017 pdf
- A Strength of Materials.
- Refrigeration & Air Conditioning.
- Heat Transfer.
- Machine Design.
- Fluid Mechanics.
- Theory Of Machines.
- Fluid Machinery & Steam Generators.
- Thermodynamics.
- Engineering Materials.
- Industrial Engineering etc.
BEL Contract Engineer General Intelligence Syllabus
- Number Series.
- Letter and Symbol Series.
- Verbal Classification.
- Essential Part.
- Analogies.
- Artificial Language.
- Matching Definitions.
- Making Judgments.
- Verbal Reasoning.
- Logical Problems.
- Logical Games.
- Analysing Arguments.
- Statement and Assumption.
- The course of Action.
- Statement and Conclusion.
- Theme Detection.
- Cause and Effect.
- Statement and Argument.
- Logical Deduction.
Bharat Electronics Limited Contract Engineer English BEL Syllabus 2017 pdf
- Spot the error.
- Antonyms.
- Synonyms/ Homonyms.
- Sentence structure.
- Spellings.
- Detecting Mis.-spelt words.
- One word substitutions.
- Shuffling sentence parts.
- Idioms and phrases.
- The Shuffling of Sentences in passages.
- Improvement.
- Passage.
- Verbal Comprehension passage etc.
- Verbs.
- Adjectives.