MNIT Faculty Syllabus 2023 (PDF) Ph.D. Research Methodology-I Material Download

MNIT Ph.D. Syllabus 2023 PDF: MNIT Ph.D. Assistant Professor Syllabus and Exam Pattern PDF are available on this page for Download. The Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur has released the Subject Wise MNIT Ph.D. Syllabus on its Official website @ The MNIT Ph.D. Notification 2023 has been released by the Officials and the MNIT Faculty Exam 2023 will be held soon. So the Candidates who had applied for MNIT Ph.D. 2023 and Stated Exam preparation for the MNIT Ph.D. The exam should check this Article now. 

MNIT Faculty Syllabus 2023 Highlights

OrganizationMalaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur

Download the MNIT Faculty Syllabus 2023 PDF

Here we have provided the MNIT Ph.D. Syllabus. The Research Methodology- will be conducted to recruit the Assistant Professor Posts. To help the Aspirants we have uploaded the MNIT Ph.D. The syllabus is on this page for Download. Here we have provided the Subject Wise MNIT Ph.D. Syllabus PDF.

(Common to Engineering & Non-Engineering Branches) Unit-I Research formulation and Design

Definition and objective of the research, types of research, steps in the research process, research Design, concept and types of research design, defining and formulating the research problems, the importance of literature review- primary and secondary sources, reviews, monographs, patent, research database, web sources, identifying gap areas from the literature and research database, surveying synthesis, Interpretation.

Unit-II Sampling & Data Interpretation

Mathematical tools for analysis, statistical analysis of data, regression analysis, correlation, concept of best fit and exact fit, exact fit, theory, examples from linear regression with one and more unknowns

Unit-III Patent rights and IPR

Patents and its basics, process of filing patent at national and international level, Introduction and significance of intellectual property rights, commercialization, royalty, copyright, trade related aspects of IPR, Administration of patent system in India, licensing and transfer of technology, case studies

Unit-IV Research and Publication Ethics:

Research and Integrity, Scientific mis conduct: Falsification, Fabrication and Plagiarism (FFP), Conflict of research, Predatory publishers and Journals, Open access publication, citation and acknowledgement, reproducibility and accountability, software tools for similarity check

Unit-V Report Writing

Structure and components of research report, types of report, layout of research report, mechanism of writing a research report, referencing in academic writing, Abstracting, Bibliography

Text Books

  1. C R Kothari, Research Methodology: methods and techniques, New Age International
  2. Publication Ltd
  3. J W Creswell, Research Design, Sage South Asia Edition
  4. D G Montgomery, Design and analysis of Experiments, John Willy India Edition
  5. P. Mittal (Taxman Publication), Indian Patents Law and Procedure
  6. L. Wadera,    Patents,    trademarks,    copyright,    Designs    and            Geographical Judications.
  7. Neuman, Lawrence. 2000. Social research methods: qualitative and quantitative approaches. Boston: Allyn and Bacon
  8. The Ethics of Teaching and Scientific Research by Miro Todorovich; Paul Kurtz; Sidney

Reference Books

  1. Edward Bender, An Introduction to Mathematical Modeling.
  2. C. Fowler, Mathematical Models in Applied Sciences, Cambridge University Press.
  3. N. Kapoor, Mathematical Modeling, Wiley eastern Limited.
  4. Narayanan (Eastern Law House), Intellectual Property Law
  5. S. Gopalakrishnan & T.G. Agitha, Principles of Intellectual Property (2009), Eastern Book Company, Lucknow
  6. Research Ethics: A Psychological Approach by Barbara Stanley; Joan E. Sieber; Gary B. Melton
  7. Ethics and      Values      in      Industrial-Organizational      Psychology      by                   Joel LefkowitzLawrence Erlbaum Associates,

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