OSSSC Revenue Inspector Syllabus, Download OSSSC RI Exam Pattern

OSSSC Revenue Inspector Syllabus & Exam Pattern PDF: The Odisha Sub-Ordinate Staff Selection Commission has released OSSSC Revenue Inspector Syllabus on its Official Web portal @ osssc.gov.in. The OSSSC RI Exam Pattern is uploaded on this page for the sake of the Candidates. Candidates who had applied for OSSSC Jobs and preparing for Revenue Inspector Exam 2024 should check this article for OSSSC Syllabus and test pattern PDF. Here we have uploaded the Subject Wise Syllabus and Detailed Exam Pattern to help the Aspirants in their Exam Preparation. So all the Applicants are advised to read this article completely and Download the OSSSC RI Syllabus and Exam Pattern for the Below Section for free of cost.

OSSSC Revenue Inspector Syllabus 2024 Highlights

Organization Name Odisha Sub-ordinate Staff Selection Commission
Position Name Revenue Inspector
Category Syllabus
Selection Process Written Exam, Skill Test in Computer Application
Location Odisha
Official Site osssc.gov.in

OSSSC Revenue Inspector Selection Process 2024

  • Written Exam
  • Skill Test in Computer Application

Revenue Inspector Exam Pattern 2024 PDF

Papers Subject Names No of Questions Maximum Marks Time Duration


Part-A: General Awareness 50 100 2 hours
Part-B: Mathematics

(HSC/Class-10th standard)

50 100






Part-A: General English

(HSC/Class-10th standard)

50 100 2 hours
Part-B: Computer Test

(Written Test)

(i)        MS Windows.

(ii)       MS Office:

(a)    MS Word, (b)MS PowerPoint (c)MS Excel

25 50
Part-C: Language Test (Odia) 25 50
  TOTAL 200 400 4 hours

Skill Test in Computer (Practical)

Serial Number Subjects No Of  Marks Time Duration
  1. MS Windows
  2. MS Office (MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel)
50 1 Hour
  1. Candidates must answer for 2 papers in the exam
  2. Paper I is for 200 marks and Paper 2 is for 200 marks and 2 hours time duration for each paper
  3. A negative marking of 1/4th will be deducted for each wrong answer
  4. And a skill test on the computer subject for 50 marks in 1 hour of time duration

OSSSC Revenue Inspector RI Syllabus 2024 PDF Download

Download OSSSC Revenue Inspector RI Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2024 PDF Here: The Candidates who have been searching for the OSSSC Revenue Inspector RI Syllabus can get a complete Syllabus from this article……….So the candidates who have applied for the OSSSC Revenue Inspector RI 2024 and preparing for the OSSSC Revenue Inspector RI Exam 2024 are advised to take a look at this page now. Here the OSSSC Revenue Inspector RI Syllabus & Exam Pattern is available in detail.                                                                

General Awareness

  1. National Dance
  2. Music & Literature
  3. About India and its neighboring countries
  4. Science and innovations
  5. Political Science
  6. World organizations
  7. National and International current affairs
  8. Countries and Capitals
  9. Famous Places in India
  10. New inventions
  11. Indian Culture
  12. Scientific observations
  13. Books and Authors
  14. Important Dates
  15. Economic problems in India
  16. Geography of India


  1. Trigonometry
  2. Permutations and combinations
  3. Differential equations
  4. Limit, continuity, and differentiability
  5. Statistics and probability
  6. Matrices and determinants
  7. Binomial theorem and its simple applications
  8. Vector algebra
  9. Complex numbers and quadratic equations
  10. Sets, relations, and functions
  11. Sequences and series
  12. Three-dimensional geometry
  13. Mathematical induction
  14. Coordinate geometry
  15. Integral calculus
  16. Mathematical reasoning

General English

  1. Idioms and Phrases
  2. Sentence Improvement
  3. Synonyms
  4. Antonyms
  5. Fill in the blanks
  6. Passage Completion
  7. Spotting Errors
  8. Spelling Test
  9. Joining Sentences
  10. Error Correction
  11. Substitution
  12. Sentence
  13. Active and Passive Voice
  14. Completion
  15. Sentence Arrangement
  16. Substitution
  17. Prepositions
  18. Transformation
  19. Para Completion


  1. Letter Writing
  2. Composition
  3. Translation
  4. Grammar
  5. Essay Writing


1. WINDOWS operating system

To test some of the following basic system operations on file/folder(s)

  1. Create, Rename, Copy/Cut/Paste, Delete

2. MS Word:

A Paragraph in MS Word incorporating some of the tools given below

  1. Editing and formatting text and paragraph • Page and Paragraph Setup

3. MS PowerPoint

A PowerPoint presentation with 2/3 slides using the tools given below

  1. Editing and formatting slides

4. MS Excel

A problem in a spreadsheet related to some of the tools given below

  1. Formatting cells and data
  2. Functions Printouts of the documents(s) should be attached to the answer sheet.