JKPSC Assistant Engineer Syllabus 2023 PDF (Mechanical) Exam Pattern Download

JKPSC Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) Syllabus 2023 PDF Download: Candidates Are you preparing for JKPSC Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) Exam 2023 Then this article is for You……….! Here The JKPSC Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) Syllabus 2023 And Exam Pattern are available in detail. So the Candidates, who had applied for JKPSC AE (Mechanical)Jobs 2023 and are Searching Online for JKPSC Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) Syllabus 2023, will get complete information here. The Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission recently announced the JKPSC Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) Exam 2023. So the Applicants who applied for JKPSC Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) Exam must check this article. The JKPSC AE (Mechanical)Exam is quite tough to be Qualified and there will be huge competition for the Examination. So the Contenders should practice Hard. So, to help those candidates we are here with the Updated JKPSC Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) Syllabus and Exam Structure.

JKPSC Assistant Engineer Syllabus PDF 2023

Organization Name Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission
Post Name Assistant Engineer (Mechanical)
Category Syllabus
Selection Process Written Exam & Interview/ Viva Voice Test
Job Location Jammu and Kashmir
Official Site jkpsc.nic.in

JKPSC Assistant Engineer Exam Pattern 2023

Name of the Subject Number of Questions Number of Marks
Paper I:

  • Mechanics
  • Engineering Materials
  • Theory of Machines
  • Manufacturing Science
100 Questions 100 Marks
Paper II:

  • Thermodynamics, Gas Dynamics Turbine
  • Heat Transfer
  • Engines
  • Steam Engineering
  • Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Interview/ Viva Voce Test:  25 Points
Time Duration: 2 Hours
Multiple Choice Objective Questions

Download JKPSC Assistant Engineer Mechanical Engineering Syllabus 2023

Statics:- Equilibrium in three dimensions suspension cables. Principle of virtual work.

Dynamics:- Relative motion Coriolis force Motion of a rigid body. Gyroscopic motion impulse.

Theory of Machines:- Higher and lower parts inversions, steering mechanisms, Hooks joint, velocity and acceleration of links, inertia forces. Cams Conjugate the action of gearing and interference, gear trains epicyclic gears, Clutches, belt drives, brakes, dynamometers, and Flywheels Governors. Balancing of rotating and reciprocating masses and multicylinder engines. Free, forced, and damped vibrations for a single degree of freedom. Degree of freedom. Critical speed and whirling of shafts.

Mechanics of solids:- Stress and strain in two dimensions. Mohr’s circle. Theories of failure, Deflection of beams. Buckling of columns. Combined bending and torsion. Castiglapo’s theorem. Thick cylinders Rotating disks, Shrink fit. Thermal Stresses.

Manufacturing Science:- Merchants theory Taylor’s equation Machineability. Unconventional machining methods include EDM, ECM, and ultrasonic machining. Use of lasers and plasms. Analysis of forming process. High-velocity forming. Explosive forming. Surface roughness, gauging comparators jigs and Fixtures.

Production management:- Work simplification, work sampling, value engineering, Line balancing, work station design, storage space requirement, ABC analysis, Economic order, quantity including finite production rate. Graphical and simplex methods for linear programming; transportation model, elementary queuing theory. Quality control and its uses in product design. Use of X, R, P (Sigma), and C charts. Single sampling plans, operating characteristics curves, Average sample size. Regression analysis.

Thermodynamics:- Applications of the first and second laws of thermodynamics. Detailed analysis of thermodynamics cycles.

Fluid Mechanics:- Continuity momentum and energy equations. Velocity distribution in a laminar and turbulent flow. Dimensional analysis. Boundary layer on a flat plate. Adiabatic and isentropic flow. Mach number.

Heat transfer:- Critical thickness of insulation conduction in the presence of heat sources and sinks. Heat transfer from fins. One dimensional unsteady conduction Time constant for thermocouples. Momentum and energy equations for boundary layers on a flat plate. Dimensionless numbers Free and Forced convection Boiling and condensation nature of radiant heat. Stefan- Boltzmann Law, Configuration factor logarithmic mean temperature difference. Heat exchanger effectiveness and a number of transfer units.

Energy Conversion:- Combustion phenomenon in C.I. and S.I. engines Carburetion and fuel injection. Selection of pumps, classification of compressor Analysis of steam and gas turbines. High-pressure boilers. Unconventional power systems. including Nuclear power and MHD systems. Utilization of solar energy.

Environmental control:- Vapour compression, absorption, steam jet, and air refrigeration systems. Properties and characteristics of important refrigerants. Use of psychrometric chart and comfort chart, estimation of cooling and heating loads. Calculation of supply air state and rate. Air conditioning plants layout.

JKPSC Assistant Engineer Syllabus – Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is JKPSC Assistant Engineer Syllabus 2023?

English Language, Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness with specific reference to banking Industry, Professional Knowledge

What is the Exam Pattern for JKPSC Assistant Engineer Exam 2023?

The Detailed JKPSC Assistant EngineerExam Pattern 2023 is available @ Questionpapersonline.com

Where can I Get the JKPSC Assistant Engineer Syllabus PDF?

The JKPSC Assistant Engineer Syllabus PDF available @ jkpsc.nic.in

What are the Total Marks for JKPSC Assistant Engineer Exam?

The JKPSC Assistant Engineer will be Conducted for 100 Marks

How many Questions will be asked in the JKPSC Assistant Engineer Exam ?

A Total of 100 Questions will be asked in the JKPSC Assistant Engineer Exam