Kerala SET Syllabus 2023 PDF: Kerala SET Assistant Professor Syllabus and Exam Pattern PDF are available on this page for Download. The University Of Mysore has released the Subject Wise Kerala SET Syllabus on its Official website @ The Kerala SET Notification 2023 has been released by the Officials and the Kerala SET Exam 2023 will be held soon. So the Candidates who had applied for Kerala SET 2023 and Stated Exam preparation for the Kerala SET Exam should check this Article now. Here we have provided Paper 1 & paper 2. The Kerala State Eligibility Test will be conducted to recruit the Assistant Professor Posts. To help the Aspirants we have uploaded the Kerala SET Syllabus on this page for Download. Here we have provided the Subject Wise Kerala SET Syllabus PDF.
Kerala SET Syllabus 2023 PDF
Name of the Conducting Body | LBS Centre for Science & Technology |
Name Of the Examination | State Eligibility Test (SET) |
Session | February Session |
Post Name | Teaching |
Category | Syllabus |
Selection Process | Written Test |
Job Location | Kerala |
Official Site | |
Check the Latest Kerala SET Exam Pattern 2023
There shall be two papers for the SET in July 2023. The duration of the Test shall be 120 min.
Paper I
Paper I is common for all candidates. It consists of two parts,
- Part (A) General Knowledge
- Part (B) Aptitude in Teaching.
Paper-II shall be a test based on the subject of specialization of the candidate at the Post Graduate (PG) Level.
Sr. No. | Paper | Subject | Number Of Questions | Maximum Marks | Time Allotted |
1. | Paper 1 | Part A – General Knowledge | 60 | 60 | 2 Hours |
Part B – Teaching Aptitude | 60 | 60 | |||
2. | Paper 2 | Specialized Subject | 120 | 120 | 2 Hours |
Total | 240 | 240 |
Download Subject Wise Kerala SET 2023 Syllabus PDF
Download Kerala SET Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2023 PDF Here: The Candidates who have been searching for the Kerala SET Syllabus can get a complete Syllabus from this article……….So the candidates who have applied for the Kerala SET 2023 and are preparing for the Kerala SET Prelims and Mains Exam 2023 are advised to look at this page now. Here the Kerala SET Syllabus & Exam Pattern are available in detail.
General Knowledge
- General Science: Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Basics – Class X Level)
- Social Science: Economics, History, Geography and Indian Polity (Basics – Class X Level)
- Humanities: Literature, Art and Culture
- English Language and Reasoning
- Current Affairs related to Latest Technologies, Environmental Issues, UN, Global Affairs, New Initiatives (both National and State level), Indian Polity, Sports, Awards, Events, Persons, Culture, etc.
Teaching Aptitude
- Foundations of Education: Philosophical, Sociological, Psychological
- Computer and ICT
- Communication
- Research in Education
- Educational Administration
- History & Policies of Education
- Teaching, Learning & Evaluation
- Teaching Aptitudes
- Teaching Methods
- Learning Theories & Evaluation
Kerala SET Paper 2 Specialized Subject Wise Syllabus
- Meaning and Scope of Social and Cultural Anthropology
- Basic Concepts of Anthropology
- Nature and Configuration of Culture
- Family, Marriage & Kinship
- Political Organisation and Social Control
- Social Stratification
- Religious Organizations
- Economic Organizations
- Meaning and Scope of Biological Anthropology
- Man’s place in the animal kingdom
- Introduction to human evolution
- Theories of organic evolution
- The emergence of man’s fossil evidence
- The tribes of India
- Aesthetic and Creative Aspects of Indian Culture
- Changing village India
- Science and Scientific Research
- Construction of Research Design
- Fieldwork Tradition in anthropology
- The ethnographic approach in anthropological research
- Basic Techniques of data collection
- Quantitative analysis
- Qualitative analysis
- The ethnographic approach in anthropology
- Preparation of Anthropological research report
- Method and Theory in Socio-Cultural and Development Anthropology
- Evolutionism, Diffusionism, Functionalism, Continuum
- Structural Functionalism
- Structuralism and Post Structuralism
- Ecological, Medical and Economic Anthropology
- The biological basis of life, heredity, and variations
- Human genetics – basic concepts and principles
- Concept of race, ethnicity, and population
- Biological anthropology in service of human society
- Application of Biological Anthropology
- Indian society, civilization, and culture
- Social disabilities
- Approach to the study of Indian culture and civilization
- Process of social changes
- Hindu religious and philosophical traditions
- Indian education system
- Composition of the Indian population
- Arabic Prose: Mu’allaqat, Poets of Mu’allaqat, Prophet and Muhala Moon, Umayyad and Abbasid Period, Modern Period, Islamic and Umayyad
- Contemporary Arab World
- Encyclopedic work in Arabic
- Arabic Grammar: Rhetorics, Linguistic, Prosody
- Arabic Criticism
- Indo Arabic Literature
- Journal Arabic
- Travel and Tourism
- Translation
- Diversity of Lifeforms: Bacteria, Viruses, Phycology, Lichenology, Mycology, Briology, Gymnosperm, Morphology, Angiosperms, Ethnobotany, Histology, Microtechnique and Histochemistry, etc.
- Reproductive Biology
- Functional Plant Biology and Analysis Plant Physiology: Metabolism, Growth, differentiation and development, Photoreceptors, Stress physiology and senescence, Chemical Bonds, Lipids, Nucleic Acids, Carbohydrates, Amino Acids, etc.
- Molecular Cell Biology and Heredity
- Ecology and Environment
- Applied Botany
- Organic Chemistry: Electron displacement effects and Aromaticity, Reagents and Name Reactions, Stereochemistry, Photochemistry, and Pericyclic Reactions, etc.
- Inorganic Chemistry: Periodicity and Chemistry of Main Group Elements, Transition and Inner Transition elements, Coordination chemistry, organometallic chemistry, Bioinorganic Chemistry
- Physical Chemistry: Solid, Liquid, Gas, Thermodynamics, Chemical Kinetics, Electrochemistry, Surface Chemistry, Colloids, and Catalysis
- Theoretical Chemistry: Quantum Mechanics, Chemical Bonding, Molecular Symmetry, and Group Theory, etc.
- Analytical Chemistry
- Selected Topics: Green, Medicinal, Environmental and Material Chemistry, Polymers, etc.
- Management concepts and strategies
- Quantitative Techniques & Research methods
- Financial Management and Marketing
- Cost and Management Accounting
- Business Environment, Policy, and MIS
- Financial and Corporate Accounting
- Microeconomic Theory and Applications
- Development Experiences of India and Kerala
- Economic Development and Environmental Economics
- Money, Banking, Public Finance, and International Trade
- Macroeconomic Theory and Applications
- Quantitative Methods for Economic Analysis
- Chaucer’s Age, Early Renaissance in England, Rise of English Drama and Prose, Revenge Tragedy, Shakespeare, Elizabethan Theatre, Milton, Restoration.
- Neoclassical Age, Heroic Drama, Popular Prose Writing, Dryden and Pope, Dr. Johnson, Rise of Novel, Transition Poetry
- Beginning, early, and later Romanticism
- 20th Century and Contemporary British Literature: Edwardian Period, War Poets, Pink Poet, Avant, Modernist Poetry, Verse Drama, Ted Hughes, Post War Fiction, Irish Dramatic Movements, Immigrants Writings, etc.
- American, Indian, and New Literatures in English
- African Literature and Colonialism
- History and Structure of English and English Language Teaching
- Literary Theory and Criticism
- Early Feminist Writing
- Victorian Age: Prose, Biography, Novel, Poetry, Drama, Women Novelists, Transition, Colonial Enterprise
- Middle ages to 17th century
- 18th and 19th century
- 20th and 21st century
- Literary criticism
- Culture and Civilization (Geography, History, Art & Cuisine, Heritage)
- Linguistics, Methodology & Fle
- Grammar
- Francophone Literature, Culture, and Civilisation
- Contemporary France
Kerala SET for Gandhian Studies
- Making of the Mahatma: Early Life and Education, Education in England, Gandhi as a Lawyer in South Africa, Western Influence, Advent of Satyagraha in South Africa
- Fundamentals of Gandhian Thoughts: Concept of Human Nature and Perfectibility, Truth, Relation between ends and means, Pursuit of Truth through Nonviolent means, Cardinal and Ashram Vows
- Political and Economic Thought
- Social and Educational Ideas
- Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution
- Gandhi and the modern world
- Geography – meaning, nature, and scope
- Foundation in Human Geography
- Physical Geography: Geomorphology, Endogenic process, Formation of soils and rocks, Oceanography, Atmosphere, Biogeography,
- Resource Geography: Economic, Agricultural, Population and it’s dynamics
- Urban and Regional Geography
- Indian Geography
- Development of Geographical thought
- Traditions in Geography
- Geoinformatics: Cartography, GIS, Method of Data Interpretation, etc.
- Physical Geology
- Marine Geology
- Geomorphology
- Planetary Geoscience
- Geochemistry
- Economic Geology
- Exploration & Mining Geology
- Remote sensing
- Geoinformatics
- Environmental Geology
- Field Geology
- Crystallography and Mineralogy
- Igneous Petrology
- Metamorphic Petrology
- Sedimentary Petrology
- Stratigraphy
- Quaternary Geology
- Paleontology
- Indian Geology
- Structural Geology
- Geotectonics
- Engineering Geology
- Hydrogeology
- Linguistik / Deutsche Sprachgeschichte Basic Linguistics
- Deutsche Literaturgeschichte
- Deutsche Literatur/ Literaturwissenschaft
- History of Western Philosophy and German Culture
- Politische Geschichte / Landeskunde
- Methods of Teaching German as a Foreign Language
- Hindi Sahitya Ka Itihas-Aadikal Se Poorv Bhartendu Yug Tak
- Hindi Sahitya ka itihas- bhartendu Yug se unnis sou chalees tak
- Aadhunik Kal- 1940 Se 2015 Tak
- History of Hindi Language & Structural Grammar
- Western and Eastern Literary Thoughts, Prosody & Poetics
- Functional Hindi, Translation & Linguistics
- Kerala History
- Ancient and Medieval Indian History
- Modern Indian History
- Select Themes World History
- Historical Methods
- Historiography
Home Science
- Human Development and Family Relations
- Marriage & Family Relations
- Advances & Assessment of children
- Food Science, Nutrition and Dietetics
- Family Resources Management
- Textile Science and Fashion Designing
- Extension and Development Communication
- Research and Development in Family and Community Science
Islamic History
- Islam Under the Prophet and Pious Caliphs
- Muslim dynasties of the Middle Age
- Intellectual contributions of Medieval Islam
- Reform and Revivalist Movements in Islam
- Islam in India
- Modern and Contemporary Muslim World
- Dimensions of Mass Communication
- Media History & Laws
- Reporting and Editing
- Advertising, Public Relations, Corporate Communication & Media Management
- Electronic and Digital Media
- Communication Research
- Modern, medieval, and ancient literature
- Folklore and Cultural Studies
- Prosody and Literary Criticism
- History of Kannada Language and Linguistics (General and Dravidian)
- Research Methodology, Textual Criticism, Journalism and Computer knowledge
- History
- Prose
- Poetry
- Translation (Latin to English and English to Latin)
- Short Story & Drama
- Grammar
- Visual Arts – Literary Drinking
- Cultural Studies
- Literary Theories and Malayalam Criticism
- Linguistics History & Grammar
- Verse
- Prose
- Fundamental Concepts: Sets and Functions, Analytic Geometry, Elementary Calculus, Probability.
- Real and Complex Analysis
- Abstract Algebra: Groups, Rings, Fields
- Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory
- Number Theory and Differential Equations
- Topology and Functional Analysis
- History of Music
- Vedic Music
- Lakshana granthas
- 72 Sampoorna melakarta scheme
- Composers and Vaggeyakaras of the pre-Tyagaraja period
- Raga Lakshana of the melakartas
- Music and Temples
- Musical inscriptions in Kudumiyanmalai and thirumayam
- Talas
- Origin and evolution of musical forms
- Evolution of musical concerts
- Composers and Vaggeyakaras of the Tyagaraja period
- Raga Lakshana
- Stringed, Percussion, and Wind instruments of South and North with playing technique
- Manodharma Sangeetha
- Exposition of Pallavi
- Advance knowledge of musical prosody
- Group kritis of Tyagaraja, Dikshitar, Syama Sasthri, and Swathithirunal
- Treatment of music in geyanataka, nritya natika, Bhagavata Mela natakam, yakshagana and kathakalakshepam
- Composers and Vaggeyakaras of post Tyagaraja period
- Raga Lakshana
- Bharata’s experiment Dhruva veena and Chala veena, the cycle of 4th and cycle of 5th
- Music and mathematics
- Geographical factors and their influence
- Music and physiology – Larynx and Ear
- Yazh – its origin evolution and decline
- Composers and Vaggeyakaras of the modern period
- Music Therapy
- Music and Yoga
- Modern trends in Music, etc.
- Classical Indian Philosophy
- Contemporary Indian Philosophy
- Western Philosophy
- Contemporary Western Philosophy
- Logic
- Ethics
- Mathematical Physics
- Classical Mechanics
- Quantum Mechanics
- Statistical Mechanics
- Electromagnetic Theory
- Atom and Molecular Physics
- Nuclear and Particle Physics
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Electronics
Political Science
- Modern Political Analysis
- Political Thoughts
- Indian Government and Politics
- Comparative Politics
- International Relations
- Public Administration
- Cognitive Processes
- Motivation, Emotion, and Learning
- Psychometry and Research Methodology
- Personality and Social Psychology
- Psychopathology
- Applied Psychology
- Russian Grammar: Noun, Pronoun, Adverb, Verb, Adjective, etc.
- Modern Russian Language: Phonetics and Lexicology
- Morphology and Syntax
- Russian Cultural History
- Russian Literature: Prose Fiction
- Russian Literature: Poetry and Drama
- History of Sanskrit
- Vrtta and Alankar
- Linguistics
- Sahitya: Poetry & Drama
- Jyotisa
- Vyakaran
- Nyaya
- Vedanta
Social Work
- History and Philosophy of Social Work
- Social Legislations
- Sociology
- Developmental Psychology
- Counseling
- Social Case Work
- Social Group Work
- Community Organization
- Social Work Research and Statistics
- Project Planning
- Sociology: Discipline, Concepts, and Processes
- Sociological Theories
- Social Research Methods and Statistics
- Sociology of India
- Theory and Practice of Development
- Globalization and Emerging Challenges
- Mathematical Methods for Statistics
- Probability Theory
- Distributions in Statistics
- Estimation and Testing of Hypotheses
- Sample Surveys and Design of Experiments
- Multivariate Analysis, Stochastic Processes, and Index Numbers
- Syriac Grammar, History and Structure of Syriac Language
- Syriac Poetry and Liturgical Literature
- Secular, Biblical, and Monastic Literature
- India and Syriac Literature
- History of Syriac Churches
- Current affairs
- Literature: Society, Justice, Epic & Devotional
- Short Literature
- Contemporary Literature
- Tamil Grammar
- Performance and Literary Theories
- History of Tamil Literature
- Communication
- Tourism
- Folklore
- Anthropology
- Philosophy
- Beginning of Urdu Literature and Language
- Beginning and Fall of Urdu Language
- Messinian
- Habits of Sufi
- Vitan Vati and its characteristics
- Guilds
- Urdu poetry and trends
- Urdu Prose
- Ferris literature services
- Umm and her oaths, etc.
- Taxonomy, Animal Diversity, and Applied Zoology
- Evolution, Ecology, Biodiversity, and Ethology
- Physiology, Immunology and Developmental Biology
- Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Biostatistics
- Genetics, Biotechnology, and Microbiology
- Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, and Bioinformatics
- Cell Biology, Genetics, and Molecular Biology.
- Biochemistry, Enzymology and Biophysics and Instrumentation
- Microbiology, Immunology, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
- Genetic Engineering, Plant and Animal Biotechnology, Biosafety, Bioethics, and Regulation
- Bioinformatics, Biostatistics Bioinformatics, and computational biology, IPR, Patent laws in Biotechnology
- Environmental Biotechnology Food and dairy Biotechnology, Bioprocess Engineering, Nano bio Technology, Environmental microbiology
Kerala SET Syllabus – Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)
What is Kerala SET Syllabus??
What is the Exam Pattern for Kerala SET 2023?
Where can I Get the Kerala SET Syllabus PDF?
What are the Total Marks for Kerala SET Exam?
How many Questions will be asked in the Kerala SET Exam ?